πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒΈπŸ™πŸ» *BE THE MASTER !!*

 Do you have a maid at home who does all the cleaning work today ...???

Today you do one task ...
You make her sit and relax at your place ...sofa ..
And you do her work the entire day ...
Then repeat the same tomorrow also ...
Thereafter tomorrow also ...
How many days you can do her work 100% ??
If you cannot accept to be the SLAVE of your servant ...even for a hour ...
Than why do you become SLAVE of your thoughts and emotions....that too for days ..weeks ...month and year ......?????
Your thoughts and emotions...are your servant ...
Your thoughts are born from your emotions ..
You feel angry first ...than shout or abuse or think of moving out of that person life ...
Your anger is your emotions...
Anger , hatred , Jeolosy , ego , lust , revenge , Lethargy, Pessimistic all are your inner emotions ....your servant ...
But they become your MASTER when you FEED them daily ... give them more importance ...and love to spend entire 24 hours with them ...
These SERVANT when they sit on your HEAD...than you are no more master ...you just live like SLAVE...
Slave have struggling life ...they struggle to get love , happiness , support ..
They struggle to get financial freedom...
They struggle to live medicine free life ...
They struggle for self identity ...
They struggle even to get peaceful death !!!
Master never struggle as emotions are under their control like a servant ...
Meditation...& Taking social responsibility / Charity ...is the easiest , fastest and guaranteed way to get freedom from slavery and regain mastership ...
But irony is ...we have time for all bad habits and karma ....but when it comes to meditation we don't have time ...we pretend to be too busy ...
We have money to waste on junk food pizza ...throw party to impress others ...buy costly show off things ...purchasing new dresses and keep adding in your wardrobe which has become a museum ..
But irony we don't have 500/- also to support orphange kids !!!
That's why 90% of people across the planet keep struggling and passing their days on this planet with ...
Only 10% are living their life with peace ..dignity and value ..
( *Courtesy: From my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA !!!* )



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