BIGGEST MYTH on this planet* :: You came empty handed....will go empty handed...

 Right from childhood..we came listining ...that we came empty handed...n leave this world empty handed ..

Nothing we can take from here ...all you need to drop here ...
Correct !! ???
But inspite of knowing this hard truth we get DEATTACHED from materialistic possession ....POSSISIVNESS in relationship...STRESS of insecurity....???
No why ??
Because we never came empty handed and similarly we will never go empty handed...
We came on this planet WITH BLESSINGS of our past birth deed ...along with curse of Past birth deed ...
Thats why few emerge victorious and achieve important milestone in teenage itself's blessings !!
Few immediately enter in ICU soon after the birth ...closed in glass ...taking treatment for months and months's curse that they carried along with them from past birth...!!
Same thing is applicable while we leave this planet...
We must have acquired wealth ...assets beyond our needs and desire ...
But we carry blessings and curse that we collected during our journey in this present birth ...
Curse of parents , spouse , kids , neighbour, colleagues , vegitable vendor , staff goes along with us ...if you have not treated them with proper respectful jesture ....
Blessings also goes with soul if you have Wholeheartedly did donation , cared for every one equally ...rushed to help others unconditionally when they were in need ...worked for the society upliftment...etc etc ..
Now take weighing machine ...and check weight of blessings and curse ...
Because this will be packed with your soul while leaving this planet ...
So before thinking of buying second vehicle, second flat as future security ....make your space in heaven as secured by being alive and working in present ...
It was the power of blessings only ...which saved critical ICU patient during covid inspite of several health issues ...
And it was curse only ...that inspite of taking two dose of covid vaccination...healthy people expired with no previous health issues record ...
It's never too late to start earning blessings every day every moment thru your Nobel deed, act , behaviour and positive attitude towards self and others ..
( Courtesy: From my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA!! )



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