๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒบ Faith ....


A disciple approached to his master and said, “Master, I have surrendered my life and breath to you. I have no attachment for any things of any kind. Just bless me to be a "miracle man" like you. You have 6 crore followers worldwide. People follow each and every word that you express on TV religiously. Bless me to be like you. I want to serve this society.”

Master replied, “If you have faith in me and others then your wishes will be fulfilled.” The Master allowed the disciple to stay in his ashram.

After 3 months of staying in the ashram the disciple came to master and said, “I don't find any difference in my life, knowledge, wisdom or thought process in spite of staying in this ashram for 90 days and even after following all rituals.”

Master replied again, “Have Faith and Patience. Your wishes will be fulfilled.”

The Disciple then replied boldly, “I have full faith in you, master, even more than any of your other disciples. But now I understand that miracles won’t happen in my life. I think I am suffering because of my past karma. And you cannot wash my karma...you don't have that power.”

The Master remained silent.

The next day on midnight, the master called the disciple in his room and said, "My child, the time has come for me to leave this planet. My role is over. If you want to accompany me towards moksha and the next world as well then take the poison which is kept in the bowl on your table.” After saying this, the master closed his eyes and laid down on floor.

After a few hours the master opened his eyes and saw that the disciple had left his room. He went in his cottage the next morning.

The Disciple was shocked to see his master alive. The master then smiled and said, “My son, if you truly had faith in me then you would have drunk that liquid that was kept on your table. It was the Miracle Potion. You could have attained all wisdom and knowledge like I have. But your lack of faith in me and yourself compelled you to apply your logical mind in taking the decision. Where is the Surrender and Commitment of yours?”

“That's the reason of your suffering and pain. No master or God can wash away your karma or sin if you do not have Faith and Patience in him.”

I have seen people switching from one temple to other temple simply because they lack faith even in one deity. People place photos and idols of multiple Gods in their homes for the same reason as well. On one hand they pray and worship God but on the other hand they run to their astrologers for knowing their fate. Why don’t they have faith in the power of the Divine to whom they pray to?

Only a few people follow rules of no tea, no coffee and no non-veg while taking diksha from their master. But eventually, after a few days they give in to those temptations and then they blame their inability on the failure of the diksha.

Sometimes our master do take our test to bring us back on track by giving us tough assignment. Although we argue and disagree with him it eventually leads us towards our greater good. But once you say you have Faith in him as your guru then why do you contradict your statement by arguing with his training methodology? We then blame our Gurus and keep changing them like changing clothes or cell phones.

Many people are constantly worrying about finance, debt, bank loans and the creditors that are due. They worry about how they will repay their debt and what might happen if they fail to arrange the money in its scheduled time. They worry because they don’t have any Faith towards the Divine. Their faith is replaced by Fear in their hearts.

We are born in this world empty handed and that is exactly the way we are supposed to go too. Whatever we have earned on this planet is by the mercy of His Almighty grace. Then why do we fear that He will leave us half way on this journey? Ask yourself this, will you ever leave your child’s hand in the middle of traffic while crossing the road? If your heart says no then trust the Divine to not leave you in the middle of the road too. If he has helped you through so much he will be there for you for whatever is due for you too.

Once you trust the Divine you will see that all those traces of Fear will be eliminated from your heart. The belief and patience that you have in your heart are the only two things by which you can attract anything in your life easily and effortlessly.

Om Sai Ram.

(Courtesy: From my book - Journey from signature to Autograph) 




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