🙏🏻😊🙏🏻 *Knowing & Teaching*

 How many of you passed 10th std ??

Ok...if you have qualified so that means science and maths also you must have cleared ..
If yes ...then can you teach science and maths of grade 10th to your kids without sending them to costly coaching centres????
You know maths & science...but you cannot teach ...
*What you love* ....you have interest in that ..
What you are interested that you practise consistently...
What you practice consistently...you achieve perfection ..
What you become perfect ... *that only you can teach others*...
There are millions of people who know about yoga ... Meditation...morning walk ...importance .. significance in life
But they do not practice consistently...and take a break ...because they don't LOVE it !
They have love on social media...Netflix ...so screen time on cell phone is much higher than book reading , gardening, yoga , meditation, writing and cooking ... Etc
95% of healers , tarot readers , numerologists, vastu consultants , astrologers , online coach , never get desired success , fame , prosperity in their field ...
Reason : They KNOW the subject ...but they don't LOVE the subject ...that's why in profession they FAIL miserably ..
All those people 5% who achieve success in their field are those who just don't love ...but OBSESSED...OVER POSSISIVE with their profession...they breath ...they talk ..they think only on their subject ..
And they become a million dollar success magnet 🧲 in their field ..
A lady came to our lama fera monastery for giving interview for lama fera teacher ...
I asked ...what is your mobile screen time ...she said honestly 6 hours in a day ...
I asked meditation time ...she said 20 min while giving self healing ...
Buddha spent 6 year 49 days ..24x7x365 days to get BODHISATTVA... enlightenment to know reason n remedy of human suffering...
And we spend 20 min SYMBOL healing ...and 6 hour in you tube reels ...and expect that I too have eligibility to be the lama fera teacher !!
She was disqualified...and advised either leave mobile or leave healing profession!!
So whatever you do or doing ask yourself :
WHY i am doing ?
Am I doing consistently evert day without a single day break with complete devotion... dedication and commitment??
What is the maximum time you are giving on the subject you love ....??
Is it more than your sleeping time + mobile screen time ???
If yes ...you are into right profession...
If not ...you are wasting your precious time on this planet ...
If you can't be the asset ...not to be the liability on this planet !!
( Courtesy: from my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA!! )



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