Many times out of our lethargic attitude, comfort zone mentality...we give many of our responsibility to others ...

It can be at home , office , organization, society ...
And we give millions of reasons for giving up your responsibility which has zero truth ...
Now the person who shoulders your left away responsibility silently without any questions, he / she becomes more stronger - more accountable - more confident - more powerful - more positive - and gain much more attention in home , society ...
He / she garners more commendable respect and honor in every person around him and in divine eyes for the initiative taken Wholeheartedly..
These people get promotion in their organization....have more demand in competitive companies ...have the best team and colleagues who are willing to serve and support him as a team leader ... This is RETURN what these people get ..
Similarly who run away from his / her responsibility...is completely ignored , lose all the respect , honour , credibility , trust , mutual relationship with every one ...
He attracts only those colleague in his team who are equally lethargic, irresponsible and unapologetic...this is the RETURN they get ...
It's your life ...your choice ...
R - R - R
( Courtesy: From my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA !!! )



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