Pandharpur Wari or Wari is a yatra to Pandharpur, Maharashtra, to honor Vithoba.
It involves carrying the paduka of a saint in a palkhi, most notably of Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram, from their respective shrines to Pandharpur
The event is said to be one of the world's largest and oldest movement where people gather on one day each year and walk a distance of around *250 km in 21 days*
*What is so unique to learn from Pandharpur Yatra ( from a Healers & Psychologist point of view )* :
A. *Age factor is MIND GAME nothing else* ..:
More than 2.5 lakh devotees walk 250 km in 21 days ...
People walking mostly are in 50-60 yrs ..
How do they walk ?
*Because they don't feel they are aged !!*
And we can't even climb 8 floors without a lift at the age of 30 and spending *good amount in AC gym , protein shakes and multi vitamin tablets*
B. *Belief & Faith in the universe ( vitthala)*
Not a single warkari carries any food or medicine with him while leaving his home except pair of dress & foot wear .. Not even a wallet.
Do you know why ??
He knows he is walking on a spiritual path ...and the divine will take care of his needs even before he expresses ...
You will notice millions of people giving seva to these warkari during their travel map ....thru food , night shelter , medicine, fruits , etc on the way selflessly ..
This is how God comes thru you to take care of his bhakt !!
*This is the power of belief and faith !!*
And when we go to temples , we are so unsecured that even foot wear kept outside temple distracts our mind ...
We are more concerned how we eat delicious food in the best hotel , rather than offering food to underprivileged old people outside the temple !!
Then How can Vitthala give you darshan ???...
C. *Life is FUN !!*
In 21 days of wari ...these warkari doesn't need net flix, Bollywood remix song to keep them happy ...
"Vitthal vithal vithala...Hari om vithalla ..Gyandeo mauli Tukaram ..vitthal mauli Tukaram " .....
These name chanting ...Bhajan ...dance holding each other's hand ..itself blossom each wari face with love , peace , compassion and dignity ...
They are least bothered how much is there in saving account, and how to buy new flat for his son ..
They live in the present moment ....and life become present for them ...
N we here spend taking anti depression pills ..for
Fiance not responding...wife not understanding... husband not loving entire life ... !!
D. *Suicide of negativity* ;
While walking 250 km in 21 days ...facing scorchy sun to thunder rain ...entire year stress , depression, Anxiety , insecurity wash down ..
These negativity detoxification leads them to live suicide free life ...far away from all addiction - alcohol to drugs to suicide ..
*Reason* : body - mind - soul is completely alligned with one goal ...to meet vitthala ...with
dedication & devotion..

In our case body - mind - soul is not alligned... *living a split personality* ..
We talk about spirituality...but lack humanity when it comes to treat other lesser previlaged than you...
We have the fees to pay for Elite school , coaching classes , vocational courses, car loan , flat EMI , flight tickets , but zero money when it comes to sponser one orphange...
Many times I too cancel the workshop and refund the workshop fees , when it comes to my notice that the person has enough money to do mid Brain Activation workshop, Lama Fera Healing, but zero money to donate for orphanage kids when it's needed...
We have time and money to travel Ajmer Sharif and tirupati....but all diseases n illness are caught up when you are expected to spend half a day at orphanage or old age home.
This is a split personality..soul is not alligned with your words and selfie image..
E. *Humanity in true sense* ..
While distributing breakfast to warkari ...and at the end when we were returning to monastry...a old lady came forward ..
I thought she may be looking for breakfast packet , which was over with us ..
Offered water to my wife looking at sweat on her forehead...
I was shocked ...before I could say something she said ..
" *Mauli ...Pani piyun ghya ...batli band aahe* .."
( Divine soul , pls have water , bottle is seal packed)
I had no words to express, put me in deep silence ...
Here in monastry, we teach yoga , meditation, buddhism philosophy but rarely 10% even come forward to say *THANK YOU ...( Gratitude expression)*
and here this lady , completely stranger to us , who didn't even took any break fast packet from us ...is offering water bottle sealed pack ...
This is *HUMANITY* ...
That's why they are chosen by vitthala for his direct darshan with touch and feel of divine feet ..
And we take online darshan on tv and cell phone ...!!
Our ancestors knew how the world would turnout from human beings to soul-less robots ...
That's why Pandharpur Yatra was initiated to bring all class together ...and bind them with love , compassion, inner happiness ...
Such people will never think of commiting suicide ( especially who are warkari) ...divorce , break up , revenge in court or cheating others ...( as done easily by so called educated people living in urban City with all comfort zone and modern amenities !!)
*As Vitthala returns with warkari from Pandharpur residing in their heart*

And Only idols are left for us to do darshan later on !!
Hari Om Vitthala !!
( *Courtesy: from my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA !! )*
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