πŸŒΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸŒΈ *Your wish - Affirmations - Visualization cannot give you 100% result* ... Do you know why ???

 Because *UNTIL & UNLESS YOU PRAY FOR OTHERS ...."BEFORE" YOUR PRAYERS !!!* *Your wish cannot be manifested ON TIME*

So maintain the habit of writing & saying positive affirmations 9 times *before you wish for your self* ..
Either it's temple , home , before sleeping or After wake up ...self healing or meditation...
First thing that should come in your thoughts is wellness & success of every human being on this planet...
Or else don't pray for your self alone ...it will be just wastage of time & energy doing formal rituals ...
*Prayers for others* :
" *Divine, pls bless abundance of love, peace, compassion, health & prosperity in every person's life on this planet*...Thank you God !! "
(Courtesy: From my upcoming book *ISHWAR HAI NA !!* )



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