Micchami Dukkadam!!
The Samvatsari festival is celebrated on September 20, 2023 . Why is the Samvatsari festival celebrated? Samvatsari day means the day of forgiveness which is popularly known as Michami Dukkadam. On this auspicious day, Jain people seek forgiveness and also forgive other people from their heart. Jains celebrate Paryushana Parva primarily to perform tap and ask forgiveness from all living-beings for any harm done to them knowingly or unknowingly, thereby shedding past karmas and purifying the soul in our endeavour to liberate it from the cycle of birth and death. Micchami Dukkadam Meaning: “forgive my mistakes” According to Jainism, ' Micchami ' means “to forgive” and ' Dukkadam ' means “mistakes”, i.e., forgive me for the mistakes made by me knowingly or unknowingly throughout the year which hurt you and your soul. PUTTING MICCHAMI DUKKADAM on wats status ...or sending wats app image in group or personal HAS NO MEANING ....You can neither never SEEK fo...