Fertile Mind (Matured) Vs Unfertile Mind ( Unmatured) : Part 2

 Fertile Mind (Matured) Vs Unfertile Mind ( Unmatured) : Part 2 

(continued ....part 1) 

Now let's observe 10 Psychological symptoms of FERTILE MIND ( Matured Mind) 

1. Highly Practical. They make very quick decisions using HEART + BRAIN 

2. No melodrama in their act / behaviour. Whatever they have in their heart n mind express very politely courteously to other people .

3. Forgive - Forget - Move ahead  is their daily policy .

4. Never enter into superstitious acts , rituals which don't convince their heart and mind 

5. They never ever talk - think - discuss people , things , and circumstances. They talk about present and future ideas / plans

6. They take no time in appreciating others around them in all possible way

7. They invest 10% of their daily time in self development....thru reading , writing, self assessment, goal mapping 

8. They rarely wait for others commands. They keep searching and handle big responsibility on their own either it's in office , home or society 

9. Serving society is where their heart always moves on . Extremely sensitive towards underprivileged people... Many times they burn their fingers by serving them , going out of the way ....still they are highly addicted to  gifting a smile on their face .

10. Extremely highly self disciplined ...Amazing consistency...truly devoted in their work ...admiring self commitment & honoring attitude towards self n others .

Sun may rise from west...but these people's commitment never fails even a single day till their last breath ..

These people are highly admired , followed and respected in the society ....they become role models for others ...and never die from this planet...their name , fame , respect always remain in generation to generation on this planet ...

Now how to SHIFT from UNFERTILE to FERTILE Mindset : 




Thru BOOKS reading ? 


All these DO WORK if practised in combination all 365 days ..


When you realise your PURPOSE OF LIFE ....

And every thing that you observe around you ...people , circumstances, materialistic things ARE COMPLETELY TEMPORARY  including your OWN BODY

These two things will only eradicate EGO , LUST , GREED , JEOLOSY , ATTACHMENT from root level permanently

That will be the day from where your mind will become FERTILE MINDSET ....where the seed of divine will blossom ...spreading its fragrance all around the planet thru You ...thru your nobel deed ...

 You are divines child ... DIVINITY is awaiting to blossom thru you ...

( Courtesy: From my upcoming book ISHWAR HAI NA !!!) 



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