SF & KF both are a must !!

 There are only two types of friends in our life,

Soulmate Friend (SF)
Karmic Friend (KF)
Both of them are known as friends because they come into our life to push us towards prosperity and success in their own way.
Now, the question remains: how can we identify SF and KF.
A. *Karmic friend (KF):*
These are the friends whose friendship lasts from a minimum of 3 months to the maximum of 3 years only. They will come in our life like butter all the time appreciating our life style in front of us. They will even go to the lengths of appreciating your weaknesses.
This will make us think that they are the best possible things that can love us and care for us.
They will take promises to be with us for our entire life, try to impress us by all means.
But behind your back they are the ones who will criticize us.
They will keep their focus only on how they can use us for their own selfish intentions like, promotion in a company, earn extra income by your contacts, get free knowledge which they will use to run their commercial business, etc.
Once their financial or career goal is achieved or they get a new life partner / friend in their life they will leave you behind and not look back once.
They will even block you from contacting them in any way again.
These KF are the kind of friends who teach you the real lessons in life - maturity, no expectation, no flirting, not to judge a person by flattering words or his looks and smile but to value their skills and wisdom.
The break off with such people gives you insight and a strong willpower to achieve and show them your real worth.
In this revengeful positive fight, you earn name, fame, money by leaving KF much behind you.
So treat them as your tough mentor and respect and thank the god who gifted them in your life.

They are in your life more than 5 years to life time. They will treat you like a mirror but they will always praise you and appreciate you in public even when you are not around.
They will support you financially from paying your hotel bills to business loan, EMI etc.
They don’t have any craving or thoughts of emotional and financial support from you.
They will take all the efforts needed to uplift your life socially, financially and emotionally.
They will never create divides in your family but join your family members by their love, care and affection.
They never create hurdles in the path of your success but always motivate and inspire you instead.
They work on your strengths and help you find a way to improve your weaknesses.
Unconditional love and support, honesty, sincerity and caring attitude is in their genes and blood.
Same SF always comes right from our birth as friends, siblings, students, spouses or teachers.
Getting a soul mate in a friend is nothing but god found in a human form in our life who holds our finger in darkness and light and helps us to reach our destination.
So check with whom you are associated in your life SF or KF.
Take a test by asking them two questions:
A. Can you donate your kidney to my mom who needs it immediately?
B. Can you lend me an amount of 3 lakhs?
I need it for the operation but I probably can’t return it to you for a long time.
C. Don't respond to his ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good night’ messages for 90 days and check whether he / she continues to send wishes (without a single day gap)
If he passes the three tests then he is your SF and if not he comes in KF.
Few may say on the second test that they are jobless and have no income so it is impossible for them to bear operation expenses.
Then ask them, if the same incident would have happened with their own mom whether they would have given the same reply to the hospital or not.
KF are liars, you will realize their side as well after taking a test.
So we all are fortunate that we are associated with SF and KF in our lives and they are helping us move ahead towards success.
( Courtesy: From my book *Journey from Signature to Autograph* )


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